Happy reading and happy travels!

Grab your passport! A whirlwind adventure awaits! Travel the globe, and experience colorful destinations, with the turn of a page when you purchase your copy of Ya-Ya Travels the World.

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"Ya-Ya Travels the World combines fantasy, geography, and lessons in gratitude to ignite the curiosity of young minds everywhere and inspire thoughtful discourse across audiences."

-Farasha Green, Author

  • Fantasy

    A story full of magic and whimsy, complete with beautiful illustrations

  • Geography

    Educational and informational regarding locations of major cities and countries around the world, as well as the culture within them

  • Lessons in Gratitude

    A touching message about dreaming big while appreciating what is around you

  • Thoughtful Discourse

    Children and adults alike will find this book stimulating enough to recap with much enthusiasm!

dedicated to little people with big dreams

"The book is dedicated to little people with big dreams, as [I] believe that all things are possible when we find our own magic and step out of our comfort zone to explore all the great ideas that live in our imagination." - Farasha Green, Author

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